
Frequently Asked Questions

Answer all of your questions

Purchases & Refunds

To access to the course you have purchased, please follow these steps. If you’re logged out of the course, you need to log in.

Use the login button at the top right of the web page.

Once you’ve logged in, click on the word “Profile” which you will find at the top right-hand side of the screen.

Scroll down the page and click on the words in blue - For example, “How to write an exceeding Quality Improvement Plan (QIP)”.

This is a link which will take you to the beginning of the course.

Scroll down to Introduction and just below, click on the words in bold next to Lecture 1.1: For example, “QIP 1. Introduction”. Press on the play icon and the 1st of the 19 lecture videos will begin.

Please don’t hesitate to contact the office on 1800 440 102 if we can be of further assistance.
For credit card payments we use Paypal, you do not need a Paypal account to use a credit card. Please don’t hesitate to email if you are having problems.
Cancellations: No refunds will be given once you have booked and paid for a training event. You may substitute attendees without additional cost. Please advise who is attending/no longer attending by email
When purchasing the course there will be a box to add a coupon if you have one.

Changing my details

If you’re logged out of the course, you need to log in. Use the login button at the top right of the web page. Once you’ve logged in, click on the word “Profile” which you will find at the top right-hand side of the screen. There are tabs across the page. Go to the Settings tab and under General you can change your details and password.
If you’re logged out of the course, you need to log in. Use the login button at the top right of the web page. Once you’ve logged in, click on the word “Profile” which you will find at the top right-hand side of the screen. There are tabs across the page. Go to the Certificate tab and it will be there.
If you’re logged out of the course, you need to log in. Use the login button at the top right of the web page. Once you’ve logged in, click on the word “Profile” which you will find at the top right-hand side of the screen. There are tabs across the page. Go to the Settings tab and under General you can change your password.
Missing mobile purchase
If you purchased a course on iOS or Android, it's possible that the course was not registered to your account. Please email your purchase receipt to
Multiple e-mail accounts
If you use multiple e-mail accounts, or have a Facebook or Google account, try logging in with the associate e-mail addresses.

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